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Automatically generated libraries for encoding and decoding Minecraft protocols

home / java338 / clientbound / effect


Encode/decode this packet in Sandbox

Id: 33

Id (hex): 21

Id (bin): 00100001

Clientbound: ✔️

Serverbound: ✖️


Name Type
effect id uint
position ulong
data uint
disable volume bool

effect id


Name Value
dispenser dispense 1000
dispenser fail dispense 1001
dispenser shoot 1002
ender eye launch 1003
firework shot 1004
iron door open 1005
wooden door open 1006
wooden trapdoor open 1007
fence gate open 1008
fire extinguish 1009
play record 1010
iron door close 1011
wooden door close 1012
wooden trapdoor close 1013
fence gate close 1014
ghast warn 1015
ghast shoot 1016
enderdragon shoot 1017
blaze shoot 1018
zombie attack wood door 1019
zombie attack iron door 1020
zombie break wood door 1021
wither break block 1022
wither spawn 1023
wither shoot 1024
bat take off 1025
zombie infect villager 1026
zombie villager convert 1027
ender dragon breath 1028
anvil break 1029
anvil use 1030
anvil land 1031
portal travel 1032
chorus flower grow 1033
chorus flower die 1034
brewing stand brew 1035
iron trapdoor open 1036
iron trapdoor close 1037
spawn 10 smoke particles 2000
break break particles and sound 2001
splash potion particles and sound 2002
ender eye break particles and sound 2003
mob spawn particles 2004
bonemeal particles 2005
dragon breath 2006
end gateway spawn 3000
enderdragon growl 3001